He is the One Who has created all that on the earth for you, then He turned to the heavens and fashioned it as seven heavens, and He is the Knower of everything.
Verses 25: 59; 32: 4; 50: 38, etc. say: “Heavens, earth and all that in between them are created in six days”. Lord asks through verse 41: 9: “Is it that you deny the One Who created the earth in two days and do you set up substitutes to Him, that is the Lord of all worlds”. It is told in verse 41: 10: “He set mountains on the earth and bestowed all things in it, calculated there in its sustenance; all these have happened in four days as a reply to those who ask”. It is told in verses 41: 11-12: “Then He turned to heaven while it was still a haze, and told to it and the earth: ‘Come either obediently or reluctantly’. They both replied: ‘We do come together obediently’, He completed them as seven firmaments within two days”. It is told in verse 21: 30: “Haven’t those who disbelieved seen how heaven and earth were once joined together as one mass, and thus We split them asunder? And We made the water essential for every living being to survive, will they still not believe?”
Today, as Adhikr explains everything is codified, anyone having any doubt regarding any matter should ask the author of Adhikr who is the Three-Time-Knower mentioned in verse 25: 59. See explanation 11: 7; 13: 2-3 and 16: 43.